What is risk assessment? What is a GENERIC risk assessment?

Discussion in 'Administrative & Legal Requirements' started by Brian, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Brian

    Brian Member

    1.) A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough
    precautions or should do more to prevent harm. Workers and others have a right to be protected from harm caused by a failure to take reasonable control

    2.) Generic risk assessments are made on the basis of an assessment of risk and indicate the hazards, the protective and the preventative measures required for that particular activity. They focus on hazards that can exist on a particular type of activity and contains control measures that can be used to minimize the risk.

    Fine but I am enquiring as to what conditions would a generic risk assessment stand up in a court of enquiry.And to what conditions would a generic risk assessment NOT stand up in a court of enquiry.
  2. Brian

    Brian Member

    GENERIC RA & GERIATRIC Safety Practitoners.

    RA's these days are generic or have "simply been a paper exercise".

    People do not die Generic deaths they die, DEAD.

    Property does not receive or incur Generic damages it gets DAMAGED.

    Companies and organizations do not suffer generic claims and losses they go OUT of business.

    Generic RA's should not be done without any one of the RA team (of at least 3) members leaving their office to do a site visit or inspection of the work area machines or equipment being used or to be used.Because then you may just as well be a GENERIC GERIATRIC Safety practitioner.

    Companies and businesses do not pay in GENERIC currency so whey the hell do we want to always ask for or say Oh just do a quick generic RA.

    View points seen out of others minds and eyes.
