Would you be the whistel blower,on your company, If they continued to flaunt H&S?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Brian, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Brian

    Brian Member

    One thing you have to be here, is honest.:)

    I doubt that many of you,or any of you will actually answer this question honestly or truthfully. :(

    Because, I do not believe that there are many safety practitioners who would put their, well being,future,career and job on the line for safety sake.:D

    Even if it meant saving the life of a labourer,worker or employee.o_O

    Be interesting to see your replies ?? :confused:

    Are you that dedicated or passionate about your job and profession.

    Are you in fact a professional in the true sense.:rolleyes:

    Did you answer ? If so are you being honest.


    If you do not answer then could you at least please try to give a brief expose of how you would hypothetically deal with the situation.

    Is your FEAR of loosing your job (being "Fired") and livelihood as an outspoken "Safety Professional" stronger that your fear of righteousness and pride of your profession and integrity.

    Do you let the company and management that employed and pays you, "to ensure safety and compliance" dictate to you "When it comes to Safety" or do you dictate to management what is in their best interests and why when it comes to safety.

    Are "YOU" in the true sense of the word a "Safety Professional" or a puppet on a string.

    When you have seen and identified an ongoing safety concern which has been mentioned and brought to the attention of the powers that be many times before, and which you yourself alone in your own capacity and without the back up, help,support and assistance of the management and project team or the MD, CANNOT sort out yourself"

    Are you brave enough to ask the managing director of an erring non compliant company, or one that flaunts safety rules, or your own, this question,

    Are we going to wait for some serious accident to happen, before we do something or something is done ?

    Dig deep my hearties, this lies heavily on your conscience.

    You, will be helping me with my re search.

    Than you.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2014
  2. Change Agent

    Change Agent Guest

    At this stage my opinion of HSE practitioners are at a very very low point.
    So, yes, I would blow the whistle just to prove a point.

    If I consider all the rubbish my clients have to go through from certain BIG companies, and I look at their own level of compliance, I think there is a major bug in the system. It has led me to form an opinion that SHE practitioners are nothing more than paper-pushers.

    Elsewhere I posted a two pictures. One taken at 08:30 pm and one the following day, just to compare the two.
    This site belongs to WBHO. There is NO safety on site at 08:30 PM.

    Yet, during the day, if you do not perform a tool box talk, or your safety file is slightly out-dated, the site is stopped.
    You can kill anyone at night as long as you have undergone site induction during the day.

    SHE practice is a farce and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.
  3. Brian

    Brian Member

    The Things We Don’t Remember And the Things We Can’t Forget

    I can already hear the murmurings from people who will accuse me of suggesting that safety professionals need to sell out if they want to keep their jobs. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, even a cursory read of my body of work will demonstrate my deep belief that

    "safety professionals" who remain passive in the face of gross violations, ethics abuses, or other attempts by employers to subvert their legal or moral obligations are cowards and thieves ; shirking one’s responsibilities to avoid conflict and even to save one’s job is tantamount to malpractice".

    That having been said, today’s safety professional has to be persuasive and understand that his or her opinion, professionally informed not withstanding, just that: opinion. If people can’t hear past the dysfunction we cannot be effective in our roles . Maya Angelou said, “At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.” I think this quote is the essence of what I’m trying to say.

    People will forgive us for being incompetent screw-ups who don’t know beans when the bag is open, but if we’re jerks, they will lie in wait for us to screw up. You don’t have to be popular to be an effective safety professional but it sure helps.

    Phil la Duke.

    So far 19 views but only one comment.This is making me wonder ?
  4. Acts or omissions, (what you do or don't do) that what we'll be judged ono_O
  5. Change Agent

    Change Agent Guest

    My friends!

    I am going to blow the final whistle! Game over!

    I need to take a break from all this Safety Health Induction Training (SHiT).

    Going away until the end of July 3014. lol
  6. Brian

    Brian Member

    Sorry to see you go.

    But it appears I am going to be right behind you.

    Moving out into other spheres and opportunities.

    Thought I am felling very sad, my passion and pride and flame for my chosen profession and industry has finally been blown out.

    Perhaps this is what "THEY" want to get rid of all and sundry who had and have a passion and drive for HSE to desert so the piece of the pie that remains is bigger for them run the industry for greed and wealth.

    I will hopefully be gong into an industry where health and happiness reigns free.No controlling bodies fighting over who does what when where why and how or for how much professionalism I have realized cannot be bought it is earned.

    Sadly in this industry it appears it has to be bought.

    Hold thumbs for me and I will wish you,

    Good Luck.